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Find Legitimate Emails in your Gmail Spam Folder with AI and Google Script

False positives in Gmail are uncommon but can happen, meaning an important email might mistakenly end up in your spam folder. When you’re dealing with hundreds of spam messages daily, identifying these legitimate emails becomes even more challenging. You can create filters in Gmail such that emails from specific senders or with certain keywords are never marked as spam. But these filters would obviously not work for emails from new or unknown senders. Find incorrectly classified messages in Gmail Spam What if we used AI to analyze our spam emails in Gmail and predict which ones are likely false positives? With this list of misclassified emails, we could automatically move these emails to the inbox or generate a report for manual review. Here’s a sample report generated from Gmail. It includes a list of emails with a low spam score that are likely legitimate and should be moved to the inbox. The report also includes a summary of the email content in your preferred language. To

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